Sabtu, 23 Mei 2009

Limited Company

A company is a company at Companies House. Limited liability companies are designed to operate within the Companies Acts, which, and subject to its own statutes and the statutes.

A company must be directors and shareholders. The members are usually the shareholders, unless the company is guaranteed.

An essential feature of society is that it offers limited liability for its shareholders. The company as a separate legal entity, liable for its debts, not the shareholders or directors, unless they have committed some fraud in any way. The members of the liability is limited and is on the payment for the shares.

Although there are different types of companies, all the same conditions. It includes the following;

Private companies limited by shares

Majority of companies in the commercial industry are limited liability companies. These types of companies usually have the word "limited" or "SA", the end of their name.

Most of these companies on shares are usually low. There is no minimum requirement of capital to enable them to operate. A greater number of limited companies are small and medium-sized enterprises. This simply means that the file and simplified accounts in Companies House does not necessarily fully accounts.

According to the Constitution in 1985, Par 81, a limited liability company does not offer shares or debentures to the public. This is only for the limited liability company (PLC).

Limited Liability Company (PLC)

This kind of a society with limited liability is for large companies, the shares to the public in general. The bulk of the limited liability company from the private sector.

According to the Constitution of 1985, paragraph 11, paragraph 101 sec and 118 limited liability companies are open to the public must be a minimum authorized capital. A fourth and all of the minimum premium must be paid before the company started trading.

The limited liability company is the only kind of company is allowed to raise capital through securities offerings of shares or debentures to the public. This can be done by obtaining a listing on the stock exchange.

The main difference between the public and the Society for limited liability companies is that they subjectable more legal requirements than the previous one. This is in connection with the capital, directors and accounting.

Company Guarantee

This is a limited liability company, the only difference is that you do not have a share capital. E 'il tipo common welfare organizations, associations, municipalities, businesses and cooperatives. A number of these enterprises are non-profit sector.

This kind of a limited liability warranty with limited liability in the same manner as a corporation. You and the Statute requires that the members of society to ensure, should the debt of the company, but usually to a fixed amount.

Limited Liability Partnership (LLP)

This is a relatively new kind of a society with limited liability. A limited liability partnership is a separate legal person, the full responsibility to their members. It can be obtained by registering at Companies House. At least two members, but there is no maximum limit.

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